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CX: Costumer Experience

If you have a business or are thinking of starting a business, you should consider that a good experience for your customers is vital for the sustainability and success of your company and having extensive information on the subject will help you know how to handle all kinds of situations.

The Customer Experience refers to all those points of contact that the client has with a company and that need to be identified for their correct management. Nowadays, companies are similar in their offer to the market and that makes it more difficult to differentiate themselves from the competition, but if you enhance your product or service with added value in terms of attention during prospecting, sales and after-sales, then you can have a plus compared to the rest.

Among similar offers, the customer will always tend to choose the option that ensures a better experience: A better location, for example, or a better reservation service, better return policies or something as simple as adequate follow-up if any service is refers, etc. All the examples above are points of contact that the customer can have with your business.

Although Customer Experience is a concept used in the processes of organizations to represent the experience that a company provides to its customers, from the moment they meet the brand until they become customers and begin to effectively use their product or service, currently and due to the pandemic, companies are quite focused on digital transformation and communication channels have increased, not necessarily being the same dynamic as the traditional one.

The concept that is not recent within marketing and sales, but that yes or yes you must be very clear to earn a position in the minds of your consumers.

When was the last time you received such pleasant and attentive treatment in a business that you felt at home?

Surely you can easily remember it, and when you want to buy that product or service that met your expectations, you will go to that same place, buy the same brand or call the expert who offered it to you, and if this happens with all customers, then we are talking recognition of a brand like Top of mind, something that every entrepreneur wants to achieve with their brand.

And it is that our mind keeps those moments where we feel happy and satisfied. Of course, you will also remember a time that you have been treated so badly that you said something like: “I will never go back to this store or buy from this brand”, clearly the opposite and something that no employer would want.

A pleasant and positive user experience can produce immediate and exponential dividends for your business. This is because the best advertising that can exist is the one where your customers promote you, where they are the ambassadors of your products or services, as is often the case with Tesla or Apple, for example, that customers love their products despite their flaws, that obviously no brand is exempt from these.

What has happened in recent years is that organizations have glimpsed the power that CX has within their marketing strategies (whether online or offline), sales and, of course, in terms of profitability and profits. For this reason, right now, the customer experience is a fundamental pillar, being one more department of its operations.
The CX has two fundamental aspects: the client and the product. In other words, a brand must surprise with its products and, furthermore, with the attention and dedication it has to solve problems and satisfy needs.

According to ThinkJar, 86% of consumers would pay more for a product or service if it were accompanied by an improved or superior experience than the rest, which shows the great opportunity that CX can offer organizations. This is also transported to the virtual environment, and that is why digital marketing strategies must consider this concept of vital importance.

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Last modified: March 30, 2022
