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Home office: After two years of pandemic, is it here to stay?

Before the pandemic, talking about telecommuting was generally not very common, at least for most of us. Only in some places and for certain areas, the option of working from home was part of everyday life.

However, the coronavirus radically changed this scenario, the confinement measures adopted in almost the entire world, forced companies to implement virtuality to continue with the development of their functions. Some with certain limitations, others with difficulties in the face of this new modality and others saw the opportunity to adopt teleworking as one more alternative.

Today, with the health situation much more favorable than two years ago, a large part of the companies have gradually returned to face-to-face attendance, but a good number of them opted for the hybrid model and others, on the other hand, 100% remote. The reason is simple, the pandemic revealed that telecommuting offered multiple benefits for both the company and the worker: it provided flexibility and time management, reduced travel time to the office, and even increased productivity.

Like many aspects of life, it must also be recognized that it has certain disadvantages, since, apart from not having time to share in the office, not all people are prepared to change their routine and quickly adapt to a new one, especially because work life and personal or family life now occupy the same physical space. But despite this, many companies realized that the opportunities were greater than the threats and to date they have decided to maintain this way of working.

Being a “home office” worker involves much more than connecting from a network or receiving and sending emails. The ability to adapt, the organization and planning of time, digital skills, teamwork and resilience have begun to be valued more, and it has also made it possible to promote Networking by effectively integrating ICT tools into work dynamics. It is also relevant to mention that, thanks to teleworking, many designers, marketers, programmers, translators, advisors, etc., have the opportunity to offer their services remotely with quality, time and opportunity.

The dizzying digital world has not been immune to these changes. This relatively new way of working has generated the need to advance at the same pace. Thanks to technology and its new contributions, we have the necessary resources to carry out and fulfill our activities optimally from home or from an appropriate and convenient environment, sharing chats, group video calls and documents in the cloud. It is also important to look for tools that allow fluid communication with the entire work team, hold regular meetings and have access to work documents, in order to optimize time in the best possible way.

We have endless options at hand, but each one will be better suited to one company than another. That is why it is better to know them, evaluate them and decide which of them could be put into practice according to our requirements; To mention a few, we have, for example, Google Suit (which integrates Gmail, Google Drive, Google Calendar, Google Meet, etc.), Zoho Remotely, Trello, Microsoft Teams, among others. With all this, we dare to say that necessity has become a virtue, since this new experience has helped a lot to efficiently define certain functions, be more precise in the feedback and although it may seem contradictory, it has been proven that the good harmony working remotely has led to greater participation, which has been positively reflected in the collaborators and in each of the projects.

Now we have to make the most of it, without fear of changes and new challenges, it is a reality that teleworking has already been integrated into our daily lives and it is certain that it will stay for a long time, being, in one way or another, part active from our life.

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Last modified: September 30, 2022
